
It is one of my favorite times of year.

The autumn in Minnesota has always been one of my absolute guilty pleasures. As you drive through the countryside you see the stands of Oak and Maple and birch trees gathered around the farmsteads clustered like Islands in the golden unharvested fields.

The arch of the forest over Honeysuckle Lane SW.

On the way to lunch, Flo and I decided to stop by the lake. Honeysuckle Lane was just as lovely as I always remember it being. And though the new owners have cleared out a bit of the forest around the lake, The house in the gardens look pretty much the same as they did when we lived there.

But as the old saying goes, you cannot go home again. We drove past the house then turned around and went on into town to have lunch.

Wherever you are today, I hope that your Autumn is filled with the pleasant memories of the season.

Don Bergquist – November 13, 2017 – Kensington, Minnesota, USA