A Thanksgiving Story

This past weekend I was having breakfast with a friend when it happened. It didn’t surprise my friend – anyone who has known me for any length of time has probably seen me do this, probably more than once.

The two tables behind my friend were crowded with a large group of people and one of them was shooting photos on his mobile. From the way he was shooting random shots around the two tables, it was obvious that he was trying to get everyone into the shots.

“Excuse me,” I said over my friend’s shoulder to the guy, “would you like someone to take one of the whole group?”

He said that he would and handed me his camera/phone. After I had taken a few from the end of the larger table, a chorus of “thank you”s came up from around the tables and the gentleman explained that they (the group) were all siblings getting together for the first time in 17 years and that they were gathering for a wedding of the son of one of the people at the table.

I am thinking about this incident this morning because – well, because it is Thanksgiving! I don’t get to see my siblings nearly often enough, but I cannot imagine how I would ever let more than a decade go by without seeing them. I mean sure, we all have our own states and only two of us are in the same time zone – but not getting together more than once every couple years-or-so, is something that I cannot even think about!

I was happy to take the picture and glad to see a large, extended family getting together again. It made me thankful for the fact that I have a large and loving family myself and that we get the opportunity to keep in touch regularly!

Wherever you are today, I hope that you’re thankful for the people and the blessings that life has bestowed upon you!

Don Bergquist – November 23, 2017 – Lakewood, Colorado, USA

Thanksgiving Day